Keep your eye peeled for camtonos across Bolivar there will be 5 of them in play at the event; Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, and Black. Each has its own unique 6 digit code that can be used to open it.
If you come across a camtono you may do the following four things:
Open it using the correlating code and collect the random number of credits inside.
Operative/Scoundrel may attempt to slice the container open using their cypher.
IMMEDIATELY attempt to return the camtono (open or closed) to your faction base in exchange for 100 Credits. You may not attempt to stash or hide a Camtono. (Operative/Scoundrel may conceal on their persons)
Leave it sit. (You may come across a code for it later).
An NPC may reward you with a code for completing one of their missions. Codes can also be found across Bolivar.
Computer Spike
May be used by operative/scoundrel class to increase or decrease stabilization times of Skirmesh capture points.
Thermal Charge
Forward Operating Base
FOBs increase the amount of places that the players may spawn. FOBS are deployed when a faction flag is deployed on the portable extending flag pole and the Respawn Timer and Vibration Alarm are activated. Players may respawn only when touching the FOB's flag when the respawn timer goes off.
Players may disrupt Respawns at the FOB by firing on it with blaster fire or if a Thermal Detonator explodes too close to the FOB. If this happens the FOB's shield will flare and a warning alarm will sound for 10 seconds, after the warning alarm concludes a followup shot on the FOB will cause the alarm to sound again for 1 minute. At that point respawn is disrupted and any players waiting to respawn at the FOB must return to their MAIN BASE to respawn.
The only way to permanently destroy a Forward Operating base is to tip over its flag.
Only the Medic Class may move a Forward Operating Base, and they may only be moved while in the contested or neutral state.
Misc. Props
Some misc props on the field might be marked with a purple circle sticker, only interact with these specific props if you have been assigned a mission by an NPC for them.