All Players will be issued a unique Chain Code Card at registration that is linked to their character. When you purchase an upgrade you will be asked for your Chain Code Card, these upgrades are PERMANENT. Unspent credits will also be able to be banked at the end of the Event. Players are to keep this card on them at all times for the duration of the event.
At the end of the Event you will turn your chaincode card and credits in and upgrades and credits will be added to your unique chain-code.
You will start the next Galactic Civil War event you attend with those upgrades and credits you have earned.
All players start with a carrying capacity of 1 Bacta Vial (issued) and 1 Thermal Device (not issued).
Character Upgrades
Custom Repeater Mod, unlocks the use of controlled bursts on your replica if fires under 1.5j. The custom repeater mod can be unlocked on up to 3 different blasters at 1,500 credits each. Full Auto has a 20ft min engagement distance. Must switch to semi-auto if closer than 20ft.
Emergency Bacta Vial: increases EBV carrying capacity by 1:
Player Companion: Players may make and bring their own droid/creature if it looks realistic and fits the event theme. The companion can be "programed/trained" to specialize in a task for 750 credits, companions may only have one specialization at a time. discounts depending how capable the companion looks at doing that specialization. Specialized companions may be available in limited quantities for 1500 credits. In order for the perk from the companion to take effect it must be clearly visible on the player from multiple angles.
Riot/Energy Shield: Unlock the ability to use an energy shield. Must follow size restrictions found under combat ruleset. 2000 credits
Thermal Slot Upgrade: Increases the amount of Thermal Devices that you can carry by 1. Gain a Thermal Detonator (EG-67) at time of purchase. (At Battfront Reagor player must carry a personal fire extingisher in order to use EG-67s)
Hero Character: Unlock another class and you are able to utilize all the perks of the classes you have unlocked. Hero Characters will have their character profile and photos loaded to a page on the Galactic Civil War website. 10,000 credits.