At Story LARP events, HEAT identifies characters as notorious in the criminal underworld, and is represented by an orange band on the arm or leg. Each band represents their current HEAT Rank. Players unlock more jobs and higher payouts the more HEAT Ranks they accumulate, however HEAT bands also flags that player as a target for active Bounty Hunter's Guild memebers.
Generating Heat
After successfully participating in criminal activities such as smuggling, theifing, piracy, unauthorized slicing and assassinations, the player will be paid out after returning to the npc that assigned them the criminal task. Then that player will roll a chance cube, if the roll is red (50/50) chance, the player generates 1 HEAT band on their character.
Heat may also be assigned by an admin if criminal acts are witnessed.
If a player obtains the maximum of 4 HEAT bands (one on each limb) there is a chance a Bounty tracking FOB will be placed on that player. If a fob is placed their HEAT bands are removed and they may only be brought in by a Bounty Hunter with a remote. While the player has a FOB they remain at HEAT rank 4.
Losing HEAT
HEAT bands may not be removed by the player, HEAT bands may only be lost 1 of 3 ways.
When a Player with HEAT is brought in by a Bounty Hunter or Hunters, the player must pay 200 Credits for each HEAT band that they have accumulated. If the player doesn't have the credits to cover their bounty they must enlist in the Mercenary Guild for 1 hour of service for each HEAT band they haven't payed off.
A player may voluntarily enlist for service in the Mercenary's Guild, for each 30 minutes signed up for enlistment will remove a HEAT band from their person.
A select NPC may have a way to remove HEAT from a player.
Heat bands may not be hidden and must remain visible.
Bounty Hunters' Guild
(Story LARP)
Players without any HEAT on them may buy a Bounty Hunter's License from a Quarry Master at the Bounty Hunter's guild for 1000 credits. If an active duty, licensed bounty hunter accumulates any HEAT, their license is forfeit and they will be expelled from the Guild and their Hunter Rank progress will be lost.
Hunter Rank
Bounty Hunters start in the guild as a Rank 1 Hunter and may max out at Rank 4. Hunters may only bring in bounties with HEAT equal or lesser than their current Hunter Rank. Multiple Hunters may join together adding their ranks together in order to bring a Bounty that has higher HEAT than their Rank.
Example, a Rank 2 Hunter may bring in a bounty that has 1 or 2 HEAT bands. Two, Rank 2 Hunters may work together giving their hunting party Rank 4, allowing them to work together to bring in a target that has 4 HEAT bands.
Completing a bounty at the bounty hunter's guild with target HEAT equal or greater than your Hunter Rank will level up your Hunter Rank.
Starting the HUNT
Bounty Hunters must check into the Bounty Hunter's Guild before going active. They will be issued a blue illuminated armband, only active Hunters may bring in bounties. At the Bounty Hunters Guild the Hunter will recieve info and tips on players that are high priority targets. Bounty Hunters must check into the guild every 2 hours in order to stay an active Hunter.
Completing the HUNT
Bounty targets may choose to go willingly if approached or engaged by a bounty hunter or may try to escape or resist capture.
If a bounty with HEAT is put into bleedout a bounty hunter may take custody of the quarry by placing their hand on them and state they are bringing them in. The quarry must accompany the Hunter back to the Bounty Hunter's Guild, so long as the Hunters Rank is sufficient.
The quarry's weapons are disabled while in custody, if the bounty hunter or hunters are killed before returning to the Bounty Hunters' Guild, the quarry escapes custody.
When a quarry has been brought in the bounty hunter is paid out based on how much HEAT the character had.
1 HEAT band: 100 credits
2 HEAT bands: 200 credits
3 HEAT bands: 400 credits
4 HEAT bands: 800 credits
Hunters that have teamed up to bring in a quarry will split the rewards.
Quarry Masters of the Bounty Hunters' Guild may issue Tracking remotes to high Rank Bounty Hunters to aid them in tracking down high ranking targets.