Imperial forces, led by Colonel Kyrell, faced numerous challenges on Mauston III. They investigated the Malgun cult, manipulated criminal factions for stability, and recruited new talent like Philip Sacrab. Despite tensions with Clan Vorpan and elusive informants like Stitch, they maintained control.
Meanwhile, Rebel forces, under Commander Carver, launched Operation Fate’s Grasp against the Imperials. They engaged in covert operations, collaborated with local sympathizers, and targeted Imperial facilities. Their successes, including arms smuggling and strikes against Imperial assets, bolstered their position.
In the town of Vess, amidst Imperial occupation, residents navigated threats from the Malgun cult and criminal factions. Mercenaries like Callo Nor operated alongside concerned citizens like Recclan, seeking answers amidst the chaos. ISC-3752, once a proud Mandalorian, succumbed to Imperial brainwashing, becoming a loyal Super Commando despite internal conflict.
Unlike previous Galactic Civil War events, the Battlefront series featured 2 hour combat rounds followed by a 1 hour break, giving players an opportunity to visit the Marketplace and Cantina between rounds to purchase upgrades, weapons, food, and get quests from NPCs to earn even more credits!
Mid 2BBY
May 6-7th 2023
Imperial: Dark Trooper project partially completed, however the project is grinding to a halt without the Director or Deputy Director there to support the project. Imperial Troops transition from being a peaceful garrison into a occupying force following the vicious attack by Clan Vorpan, the former protectors of the town of Vess. One Imperial Prisoner escaped during the night game. The Imperials bring the “Crusher” to bear on the system until the next RP event.
Rebel: Captured Deputy Director and escorted him offworld via outlaw transport. Decent recon was done by the Pathfinders, all Imperial research locations where located and the intel reported back to offworld command. However the rebels were unable to hold their ground against the might of the Empire and had to completely retreat from the field. They are unable to escape the planet due to the increased blockade after the attacks.
Clan Vorpan: Attacked Imperial base in retaliation for the alien children being kidnapped and did massive damage to the facilities and to the leadership of the remaining Imperials. Clan Vorpan is now an enemy of the empire. Their year-long contract to protect the town of Vess has expired.
Outlaw (Hutts): The control the Hutts had on the town of Vess is slipping. Lack of supplies and support from the Hutt Council is leaving their assets exposed to outside forces. And with the new Imperial Law in the area the Hutts will find it much more difficult to operate in Vess.
Outlaw (Malgun): In the chaotic mess of the battle, the Malgun and its follows vanished almost overnight. The Malgun was able to learn important Imperial Codes and Protocols that allow it to hide under the nose of the Empire. The Malgun is waiting, its presence waiting desperately for a powerful host to make its appearance.
Outlaw (Pyke): The advance squad of Pykes found a chaotic mess in the underworld of Vess. After a brief firefight with the Hutt faction they pulled out of the area leaving the Malgun to their fate. They will try a more subtle approach next.
Civilian: Imperial troops quickly occupied the Clan Vorpan headquarters once reinforcements arrive, taking over as the guarding force in the town. Civilian shipments and supplies are now under Imperial control. Some like the imperial presence, others do not. This will divide civilians between events.
Early 2BBY
The brutal fighting on Bolivar has come to its dramatic close. The 41st Pathfinder and other rebel forces under the command of Major Carver struck a decisive blow to the Imperial production machine. All mining operations in the Folan region came to a screeching halt due to the Rebel and Bolivar attacks. The local Imperial Garrison under the command of Colonel Kyrell fought bravely, meeting the enemy face first no matter who stood in front of them, but the lack of reinforcements and coordination from the other garrisons ultimately proved to be their downfall. By the end of operations the Garrison itself was the last holdout of Imperial presence in the Folan region. Meanwhile the Mandalorian Enclave in the town of Folan did its best to protect the civilians of the area while completing the hit contracts on the most dangerous personnel in the region. At the same time the Cantina run by Solo made large sums of credits doing the dirty work of all factions and eventually were able to fix up their ship and leave the system. However in the final moments of the climactic battle, a massive coaxium explosion rocked the region. The Outlaws had set up a makeshift bomb to help cover their escape and the result was devastating for Rebels, Imperials and Mandalorians. The surviving Imperials were quickly ordered off-world and the Rebels followed suit as fast as they could, using the constant stream of Imperial shuttles to cover their escape. Transports were sent to the town of Folan as well by order of Imperial Commander Durron to quickly evacuate the Mandalorians and Civilians. In just a short couple of hours following the explosion the entire region became void of all sentient life, except the Bolivo’s, who watched the transports leave with satisfaction.
(Dramatic Storytelling)
A lone Bolivo stood atop the hill just outside the Anoric Landing zone as it watched the last Imperial shuttle take off and disappear into the evening sky. It shook its rifle into the air triumphantly screeching into the land around him. Only the other Bolivo could hear the call, for not a single off-worlder remained alive. The screech was repeated by another Bolivo and then another, and another until the sound of their victory could be heard across the entire planet. They had beaten back the invaders.
But the victorious screeching slowly came to a halt as the sky filled with large triangle shaped objects that began to block out the light of the stars. Bolivar fell into a quiet lul as the planet itself seemed to stop moving in fear of what was to come. Bolivo’s quickly scrambled for the tunnels that led to their underground catacombs as a bright green lights quickly filled the sky. The Imperial Star Destroyers under the command of Admiral Byre of the Bolivar Sector Defence Fleet had begun their planetary bombardment to cleanse the planet of all hostile life.