In the aftermath of the Empire’s devastating bombardment of Bolivar, the once-occupied planet has been left behind, creating a dangerous power vacuum. The beleaguered Rebels have established a vital listening outpost, remnants of the group that uncovered the elusive Crusher plans, now a target for Imperial retribution.
Seizing the chaos, the cunning Hutts have quietly reopened the coaxium mines, smuggling the precious resource without facilities for refinement. With all previous footholds lost, the Imperials face the daunting task of reclaiming territory sector by sector, launching missions while the Rebels fight to hold their ground.
Amidst this turmoil, the Mandalorian Clan Vorpan seeks a hidden treasure left by their fallen armorer, Vad Varo, hoping to reignite their forges and elect a new leader. However, they are not alone in their quest; Imperial super commandos and rival Mandalorian clans have caught wind of the prize, escalating the stakes.
As hostilities rise, the native Bolvosi grow increasingly hostile, and ancient subterranean creatures awaken from their millennia-long slumber, emerging with a savage hunger. In this tumultuous landscape, the battle for Bolivar intensifies, and the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance...
We would be honored if you would join us for an immersive continuous two day LARP event featuring our progressive character upgrade system, Skirmesh capture point technology, in-game economy, electric Juggernaut systems, and so much more!
This is a Pre-order only event with a 250 player cap.
Friday: 15:00 Early Registration/Chronograph Open 18:00 Early Registration/Chronograph Closed
Saturday: 6:00 Registration Open 7:00 Chrono Open 9:00 Registration/Chronograph Closed 9:00 Mandatory Safety Brief 9:45 Faction Brief 10:00 Game Start 18:00 Game Break 21:00-22:30 Hunter Games (tournament)
Sunday: 9:00 Game resumes 14:00 Game End 14:15 Event wrap-up/awards